Skin Conditions

Real Chemistry® offers a unique collection of technically superior, thoroughly researched, precision-engineered products blended with the world’s finest pharmaceutical-grade ingredients and bio-synthetics intended to help reduce the life-impact of specific skin conditions.
Real Chemistry® is a carefully researched, precisely engineered, science-driven skin-care brand changing the conversation in skincare. Introducing customers to carefully curated, organic, recombinant DNA-based biodynthesized ingredients, Real Chemistry® can help you achieve real results.
Our proprietary peel formula is based on our skin’s natural protein cycle. Proteins are the building block of life and the foundation of our technology. As the synergistic blend of ingredients is gently massaged into the skin, solids form under the fingertips. These are a combination of the peel’s protein-binding molecules and epidermal proteins (dead skin), which account to approximately 50 cellular layers total.
Our proprietary MTHV® Complex contains Metallothionein and Hirudin. MT is a powerful, bio-synthesized, antioxidizing “power protein.” HV is a synthesized anticoagulant, which helps thin and disburse red lines under the skin. These ingredients are infused into the MTHV® Complex Environmental Rescue Collection. Environmental Rescue products will help promote the skin’s cellular repair and the reversal of oxidative damage. Daily maintenance products and weekly treatments are both available, which over time helps to calm the skin, diminish dark spots, enhance elasticity, and can lift, even and brighten the complexion.
The Real Science
behind Great Skin
REAL CHEMISTRY is a brand well suited for any skin type. There are specific conditions for which it is especially effective and a few are listed here:

Dry skin
lower legs, arms, sides of the
abdomen (flanks), and thighs.The
symptoms of dry skin include:
Scaling, Itching, and Cracks

Rosacea is a chronic auto-immune
disease that can cause the skin to
look red and ruddy.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles
cause of most visible signs of
aging on the skin. Sun, wind, and
environmental toxins can all
speed up the oxidation process.

Sensitive skin
What is sensitive skin?
Many people say they have
sensitive skin because of the way
their skin reacts to skin care or
other household products.

Hyperpigmentation is a common,
usually harmless condition in
which patches of skin become
darker in color than the normal
surrounding skin.

Oily skin
key role in whether or not you
have oily skin. Diet probably has
little, if anything, to do with
whether or not you have oily skin.

Ingrown hair’s root cause is not catching the
follicle at it lowest point because it is trapped
beneath dead skin. Exfoliate first to shave better.